Making a complaint

If you’re reading this page you’re probably frustrated with us, but before you make a complaint, we ask that let us try and put things right.

0116 257 6800

If you’d rather not, or you’re still not happy, then it’s time to get in touch with the Customer Experience team: our independent internal department who look after complaints.

Making a complaint

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to make a complaint if you need to. You can either:

  • Give us a call
  • Use your My PA account
  • Email us
  • Write to us
  • Complete an online complaint form

You can have an advocate

If you’d rather not make a complaint yourself, you can ask someone else to make it for you. This could be your MP, a councillor or perhaps your Neighbourhood Champion or one of our Involved Residents. If you’d like to do this, just ask us.

What happens next?

You can give us a call, send us an email, or fill in a complaints form online. Please provide as much specific detail as possible. Attaching photos will assist the investigation

Stage 1

10 days

We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days (usually 48 hours) to tell you we’ve got your complaint.

We’ll investigate your complaint to find out what has gone wrong and how we can fix it. We’ll report back what we’ve found out, what we’re going to do to put it right, and we’ll say sorry.

Hopefully at this stage, you’re happy with the outcome and we can close your complaint.

Stage 2

20 days

If not, we continue to the next stage. Like Stage 1, we will acknowledge your escalation to stage 2 within 5 working days (usually 48 hours).

We’ll re-investigate your complaint again and involve the next level of management, usually a Director for their perspective.

We’ll report back with what we found out, we’ll say sorry, and we’ll let you know what we’re going to do to put it right.

Complaint closed

By now, we hope we’ve reached a resolution and you’re happy for your complaint to be closed.

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